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Friday, March 22, 2013

'World Wide Maze'- latest Chrome Experiment

Chrome experiment that uses Chrome to turn any website into a pinball maze you can play.

Playing pinball is fun, but chances are you're stuck at your desk and can't get to a machine right now.

Google's latest Chrome experiment is a marble maze game that binds your smartphone to your PC through those shareable tabs. Once you've opened the same tab on both platforms, you'll be put in control of a metallic Nexus Q lookalike, steered by the accelerometers baked into your smartphone -- as well as power and jump buttons. Better still, there's (arguably) an infinite number of levels to tackle, with the experiment transforming your favorite sites into a multi-stage mazes. You'll need a phone that's running at least iOS 5.0 or Android 4.0 to make the connection. Take it for a cautious spin at the link Chrome Maze

Check out the video below to see how it works and approximately 30 electrifying seconds of product manager Joe DeFranceschi's tentative ball-handling skills.


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